In this episode, recorded during the 15th ParlAmericas Plenary Assembly on Promoting Inclusive Societies for Sustainable Development, Dr. Helaina Gaspard, Director of Governance and Institutions of the Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy, moderates a discussion with experts from the Parliaments of Trinidad and Tobago, Canada and the Canadian province of British Columbia, on their respective legislatures’ experience in providing opportunities for public participation prior to and during the budget deliberations.
This episode features three presentations on the creation of opportunities for public participation prior to and during the budget deliberations in parliament, moderated by Dr. Helaina Gaspard, Director of Governance and Institutions of the Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy.
Member of Parliament Nicole Olivierre (Trinidad and Tobago), Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries, discusses the efforts undertaken in her country to foster accountability, transparency and dissemination of information throughout the budget process – a precursor to effective citizen engagement; Member of Parliament Wayne Easter (Canada), Chair of the Standing Committee on Finance, discusses the process followed by his committee to undertake pre-budget consultations to inform the development of the budget proposal by the Executive as well as inform the committee’s views to improve its ability to scrutinize the budget proposal and oversee its execution; Kate Ryan-Lloyd, Deputy Clerk and Clerk of Committees of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia closed the panel with a presentation on the role of the Finance Committee from her legislature as the only body undertaking consultations with the public to inform the development of the Executive’s budget proposal.
The presentations were recorded during the Training Session on Parliamentary Budget Consultations during the 15th Plenary Assembly of ParlAmericas, Promoting Inclusive Societies for Sustainable Development, on September 10, 2018.